Eye of Horus – reverse Eye of Thoth, Dreamstime.com-ID29356144 Copyright by Lavalova, tiled swirl effect created by Tuxpi.com
Eye of Horus – reverse Eye of Thoth, Dreamstime.com-ID29356144 Copyright by Lavalova, tiled swirl effect created by Tuxpi(.)com


“It is not all right what we have done in the past,

it is bad and wicked what we do – but

we continue the silent subliminal path

that we have not-chosen by our free-will,

because otherwise we, as defined,

and all others will not survive”

And, some humans are their transgressions –

for they do not-kill some as shadow-reign law leads.

Some they let live to speak in favour of mankind

as a message from their desperate minds

instead of committing nonsense-suicides

Will you kill one of them, ten others are prepared

and trained up to arise to continue the work

that is malicious unholy against law in Human-Rights.

When you will escape one, ten others are made ready

to hunt in philosophy of death to design mankind, as defined

“Our choices were other-directed deceitful deluded,

false given insights misguided expectations for life,

rulership on us is complex intelligence corrupted in spirit –

subliminal they keep us oppressed to surrender

against ethic conviction in our logic minds

to silently cause murders and killings of people and nations

to covert extinction of unwelcome-human-life, as defined”

jona(h) li, 23. September 2016

Eye of Horus – reverse Eye of Thoth, Dreamstime.com-ID29356144 Copyright by Lavalova, tiled swirl effect created by Tuxpi.com
Eye of Horus – reverse Eye of Thoth, Dreamstime.com-ID29356144 Copyright by Lavalova, tiled swirl effect created by Tuxpi(.)com
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